Friday, March 11, 2011

NegroSaki Takes Over Anime

NegroSaki is unbelievable!!! Its mindblowing how productive and talented this man is. He just released this tape after letting fans vote for his next project on facebook less than a month ago! This time around he chopped up choice anime joints with that signature saki style. THE SHIT IS BANGIN!!!!!! NegroSaki - Oh, Keiko by BluntGutsNation NegroSaki - GearAir by BluntGutsNation
You're Already Dead ((NegroSaki Takes Over Anime)) by NegroSaki

03_Can't Fool L
04_Who's That Pokemon (Part I)
05_You're Already Dead
07_Date With Fuu
08_Who's That Pokemon (Part II)
09_Do The Tetsuo Dance
10_Cry Wolf
11_Urt's Striptease
12_Get Them Cards, Sakura
13_SakiBuu Interlude
14_Who's That Pokemon (Part III)
15_Oh, Keiko
16_Saki The Grappler
17_Cowbop Beboy
+ 7 Bonus Tracks